I'd like to share something with you...
I had a client approach me a few months back, asking if I could help him increase his membership sales with his local fitness business.
After he told me all about his credentials, I sat back and said, "that's all very impressive, but what's your story?" He looked me with a funny look on his face, not sure where I was heading with all of this and said..."what do you mean?" I repeated myself, "what's your story? What got you into all of this in the first place?"
I could sense there was something special underneath all the superficial stuff that he wasn't telling me.
He paused, shifted in his chair, took a deep breath and told me about his painful childhood growing up as an overweight kid.
I almost jumped up out of my seat as I shouted...that's it! That's YOUR uniqueness! You need to tell your story! You KNOW how overweight people feel...you've been there! You've walked in their shoes... you worked hard and you decided to do something about it!
I was so excited! His story was so special... it was real...and I knew folks would feel the genuine truth he was speaking and they'd be able to relate to this amazing coach.
My client took a chance and shared his experience with the rest of the world and you know what? It worked! People knew by reading his story that he wasn't some spandex king strutting his stuff around in the gym!
He took a chance... he told the truth... and he increased his sales in the first week of launching this letter!
If he could do this with his business...you can do it too! Be honest...be human and be real!
Take a look and let me know what you think.
Get Fit, Get Healthy, Get Your Life Back!

Gellert Strength and Conditioning
(807) 708-1325
So many of us have invested in fad diets that just don't work. You know the ones… the gross tasting shakes that come with big promises, small results and unpleasant smelling side effects! You take the weight off but then it piles on once you go back to eating like a human being again!
Then you decide… okay… enough… time to get serious and go the fitness route!
You buy a membership at the local gym, but feel intimidated the moment you walk through the doors by all the muscle bound guys strutting back and forth with their arms outstretched, throwing around weights and grunting like they're in labour!
Couch Potato Syndrome
All you can think of is getting yourself and your baggy sweats back home to the loving, waiting arms of your couch!
I've worked with a lot of clients, and almost all of them have a similar story like yours:
You're tired of spending money on stuff that doesn't work.
You're starving yourself with diets that don't work
You stopped going to the gym because you got burned out
You threw yourself into a fitness program but quit because of an injury
You got frustrated because you just didn't know where to start
I know how you feel, I've been there!
Growing up, I was a chunky kid who never got noticed. I was invisible to all the good looking kids & I absolutely hated playing sports in school. Do you know how much it sucks being an overweight kid who's bad at playing sports?
It was a vicious cycle. Because I was overweight and sucked at playing sports, I played video games. I'd spend hours parked on my butt playing games that I was actually good at! It was like an escape. No one freaked out at me because I couldn't make a stupid ball pass through a stupid hoop! I was a star in the safety of my own living room.
The only problem was, the other thing that I loved just as much as playing those addicting video games, were the tasty snacks that I devoured while I was busy destroying my opponents. The pounds just started to pile on.
Destructive Eating Cycle
The more weight I gained, the more unhappy I felt …the more unhappy I felt… the more I ate. I was in that destructive cycle of being unhappy with myself but only finding comfort in the food that I ate. I swear I started to beep when I backed up!
I put on an extra 30lbs by the time I reached tenth grade. I remember feeling uncomfortable "ALL" the time. I hated looking in the mirror because I hated who I saw staring back at me. I wore baggy sweats just so people couldn't see what I really looked like. It sucked!
The Major Turning Point In My Life!
My life altering moment happened when I was 16...
I went with my family to a water park and saw this really pretty girl. She was just standing there with all of her friends. I remember I was getting out of the water and I glanced over and saw her pointing and laughing at me! I heard her say to her friends, "LOOK AT THAT KID'S BOOBS!" I was crushed! I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me!
I don't remember what that girl looked like. If I saw her today I wouldn't recognize her… however… I do remember THAT WAS THE DAY that I drew the line in the sand! That was the day I decided… ENOUGH! I'm gonna lose this weight and GET RIPPED IF IT KILLS ME!
When I got back home I started getting to work on building the new me. The only problem was, I had no idea where to start or how to start building that "new me."
I convinced my mom to buy me a Muscle and Fitness magazine and I consumed every word like it was my last Twinkie!
I read all this stuff about bench pressing, high protein, supplements… the list went on and on and on. I was completely overwhelmed!
Hitting The Wall!
I didn't make much progress during the first few years… probably because I had no idea what I was doing! I joined a gym and I just mimicked what I saw other guys doing.
A funny thing happened, I lost weight but then I got skinny as hell. My butt didn't even keep up my jeans! I went from one extreme to the other. I was paranoid about everything I put into my mouth and I was working like a madman trying to keep the pounds off!
Eventually I built my body-weight back up. I thought I was eating well.. I thought I was doing the right stuff with my weight-lifting, but then I hit the wall. I stopped making progress.
After 8 months of going to the gym 6 times a week and eating 7 meals a day…I FINALLY BURNED OUT!
Like everyone else…I stopped going to the gym.
After taking some down time from my fitness regime, I decided to give it another shot and I signed up at a shiny new health club because that was what everyone else did. I quickly discovered that the shiny new gym had an atmosphere that was as appealing as 3 day old salmon left out on the counter! The atmosphere was awful and the lack of motivation and actual fitness info was even worse!
I got tired of guessing my way through fitness and I threw myself into learning everything that I could about proper training, fitness and eating habits.
There Was No Looking Back!!
I enrolled in The Fitness and Health Promotion program at the St. Lawrence College in Kingston and obtained my CSEP-CPT certification (Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology Certified Personal Trainer.)
The experience was a positive one. I learned about dynamic warm-ups, high intensity cardio, proper training regimes, power-lifting, and proper core training… I was hooked! The "weight" was over!
Losing Weight Doesn't Have To Be Difficult!
When I came home, I decided to put an effective program together and opened my own gym. I wanted to teach other people how to safely and effectively get control of their weight so that they could live their lives with confidence. Here are some kind words from one of my clients:
I’ve been working out (with Karl) at Gellert Strength and Conditioning for over a year and in one word the most valuable thing that I’ve gained in that year is CONFIDENCE. Confidence to walk in to any gym and have an amazing workout, confidence in my strength to get the job done and confidence that I look great with toned muscles, improved posture and enhanced awareness of my body. At Gellert Strength and Conditioning they adapted to my personal level of fitness in a comfortable environment all along providing a steady motivation to push myself to do more and perform better.
Jami Fioritto
A Specific Plan For Your Specific Body Type
Because everyone is different, I assess where you are now so that I can develop a customized plan that will get you to where you want to be. All of my plans include an initial assessment and an individual program designed specifically for you.
Our one month trial program (up to 12 sessions FOR $90) works out to be less than $8 a session and includes an initial assessment and custom program designed specifically for you!
Once you try my program and start to see your body transforming into the body you've always wanted… I'm positive you'll be hooked!
One-on-One Support Team
I'll be here to support you every step of the way. You don't just pay a user fee when you enrol in my facility, you get personal one on one instruction so that you can achieve your personal goals and avoid injury.
My gym isn't filled with jocks in spandex, it's filled with real people just like you… People who aren't happy with who are they now, but know that the person they want to become is within reach!
My name is Karl Gellert. I'm a nerd with muscles who owns and operates Gellert Strength and Conditioning. I'm dedicated to helping people like you achieve your goals safely and effectively with a proven and safe system that actually works.
We're not just a gym, we're a support group. We've all been there. We know your pain, we know your story and we know how to help you reach your goals.
Let's Get Started Today!
Give me a call or feel free to drop by. I'm here to help you get fit, get healthy and get your life back!
Gellert Strength and Conditioning (www.Gellertsc.com )
(807) 708-1325
No Hype... No BS... Just The Truth! Now There's A Concept! Would you be able to do this with your business? Let me know and leave a comment for me below.
Great story-selling Shelley. You sure know how to write words that work!