Sunday, February 17, 2013

Are You Feeling Trapped?

Are You Feeling Trapped?

So many of us have been, or are still trapped in jobs or careers that we absolutely despise - jobs that make us feel inadequate, not wanted or just plain stupid. Some of us have dreams that aren't given the chance to grow because we let our friends or family members squash them before they even have a chance to begin.

Growing up, I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a veterinarian…that was until my parents, being the loving parents that they are, informed me that I wasn't "smart" enough. Bye bye dreams…hello reality.

Luckily for me, my love of words and music propelled me towards the direction of becoming a professional staff writer with Hyland Hills Music in Nashville, and the FOX Network in LA. I loved getting out of bed every morning because it meant I would spend my entire day writing and creating files with an amazingly creative and talented team that absolutely rocked! All was well until our entire branch was acquired by another company and our creative team was let go without notice.

I was faced with the dilemma of having to find a job that would allow me to tap into my creative side, but would also allow me to earn a pay-check.  Not an easy task in our industrial based world.

The good news is…The world is changing. Our world is no longer the industrial based world it once was. Robots and computers have replaced large assembly lines filled with people just going through the motions and wishing they were doing something else with their lives.

The internet "Connection Revolution" has completely reinvented the way we conduct business. You might be thinking…So how can this be a good thing? How can the downfall of the industrial world, and people losing their jobs be a good thing?

It's a good thing because creative folks like you and I can tap into the "Connection Revolution" and push past the negative nay-sayers so that we can achieve our dreams on a worldwide platform!

Your intuition already knows what you're supposed to be doing in life. Silence the doubt around you and follow your heart! You're not going to be able to hear the direction that your intuition is supplying you with if you don't silence the craziness around you and take a good deep look inside.

Once I stopped being desperate, grasping at every little opportunity, and I actually slowed my process down so that I could hear the direction that my soul was providing me with, things started to fall into place at an alarming pace!

Now I can honestly say that I truly feel fulfilled. I feel fulfilled because not only am I able to be creative and do what I love to do … Write… I'm also helping other business owners achieve their dreams by creating words and content that helps them achieve "their" dreams. It's a win win situation that I'm truly grateful for with all my heart and soul!

If I could find my place in this crazy world, so can you! Silence the doubt around you and find something that truly makes you feel fulfilled and happy. When you're happy, people around you are happy and the world becomes a better place!

Take the time to watch this inspiring video "The Icarus Deception" and let me know what you think. I promise it'll be worth every minute of your time!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How Do I Know If My Web Copy Sucks?

by shelley jacobson from killercopy4u

Some people are able to write quality content for their site that demands attention and gets the job done, but not everyone falls into that category.
If you’re wondering if your copy really does suck, here’s the number one question you need to ask yourself ...are people buying your products or services when they land on your page?
Is your answer to that question a big resounding NO? If it is, here’s a quick list that will help you determine what some of your problem areas might be.

The Copy Suck Test:

Is Your Site Listed On The First Page Of Google?

If your page is not listed on the first page of Google, Yahoo or Bing,  you are missing out on a lot of action and opportunities with your website. Studies have proven that sites not listed on the first page of a major search engine will suffer from a lower click through performance rate. Here is a great article that explains those statistics: QuickSprout

Is Your Content Optimized?

If your website doesn't rank well on Google, your website content probably hasn't been optimized. Search engines find your website when other people type in a word or phrase in the Google query field. If you haven't optimized your website content with keyword enriched copy/content, search engines won't be able to find your site.

Is Your Site Filled With Words Only A Professor Would Understand?

When you create content for your website, make sure that you create user friendly content at a grade 6-8 level. Don't use industry jargon that will confuse your readers and leave them scratching their heads with a puzzled look on their face. The major offenders for this issue tend to be businesses and services that specialize in programming.


Spelling Mistakes?

Would you trust an online company or organization and invest in their products or services if you found spelling errors scattered though their web content? I know I wouldn't. Make sure you edit your copy. Don't just rely on spellcheck to do the job for you. Spellcheck doesn't correct grammar mistakes.

Tip: How To Write Great Website Copy With A Proven Document Editing Trick
Here’s a great trick that I picked up along the way!

Read your copy/content backwards. Sounds crazy doesn't it? When you read backwards, you're actually focusing on each individual word instead of scanning through the flow of an entire line. Mistakes are much easier to pick up because they will stand out instead of blending in with the overall flow of your content.

If you're still not sure whether your copy sucks or not, email me and I'll provide you with a free website evaluation. No gimmicks, no tricks…just advice on how to make your copy suck less and perform better. Still have questions... post your comments for me below!